Thursday 15 December 2011


I'm Sam, and this is not my first blog. In fact, it's not my second or third either.
I tend to get restless if I stick to one blog for too long, or in Tumblr's case, I got sick of the fact that most of the people on it were either A) under age girls getting their tits out every Tuesday, or B) Perverts.

So what am I? I'm an unpublished writer. Well, I had a poem published on Indie Ink once but that doesn't count does it.
I'm a mediocre musician, I play guitar, bass, piano and trombone.
I'm an equally mediocre photographer, I might post some of my pictures here from time to time. Who knows.

What's the point of this blog? This is where I'm going to post my poetry and short stories and the like, and occasionally just chat. Book reviews, there will also be those.